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Privacy policy

The privacy and security of your personal information is extremely important to us. This privacy policy explains how we collect, use and store your personal data in accordance with the GDPR regulations.
If you are receiving publicity emails from us, it is because you have asked to receive information from us - you can change your mind at any time, either by unsubscribing using the link provided in our emails or by informing us directly by email: camerata@welshcamerata.org.
If your activities and involvement with us result in personal data being created, such as in the process of ticketing, volunteering or being involved with our campaigns and activities, we will not retain personal data beyond the date we need to contact you with respect to these specific activities.
If you have become a member of the Welsh Camerata, a company limited by guarantee, we will communicate with you from time to time to inform you of developments relating to the management of the company. However, you have to right to request that we delete any of your details by emailing us at: camerata@welshcamerata.org.
We will only use your personal data on relevant lawful grounds as permitted by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (from 25 May 2018) / UK Data Protection Act and Privacy of Electronic Communication Regulation. Personal data provided to us will be used for the purpose or purposes outlined in any fair processing notice in a transparent manner at the time of collection or registration where appropriate, in accordance with any preferences you express. We will not disclose your information to any third parties without your permission. However, if asked by the police, or any other regulatory or government authority investigating suspected illegal activities, we may need to provide your personal data.